Return & Refund
To start a return, you can contact us at Please note that you need to contact us for the return address.
How to Request a Refund
If you've encountered any of the following issues with your purchased product, please follow the outlined procedure below to initiate a refund request:
Issue 1: Product Quality Problems
- Product is damaged or defective.
- Missing components or parts.
- Product does not match the description.
- Product was damaged during shipping.
- You must initiate the refund request within 7 days of receiving the product.
- Please follow one of the following methods for processing:
- A. Reshipment: You can submit relevant images or videos, and we'll send you a brand-new product.
- B. Refund: You can submit relevant images or videos, and we'll refund 65% of the purchase amount. After you return the product to our designated warehouse, we'll refund the remaining 35% of the amount to you. Return labels provided by HOMLUX.
Issue 2: Order Issues
- Ordered the wrong product.
- Received an unwanted item.
- Found a better product.
- Unauthorized purchase.
- Cancelled the order.
- You must initiate the refund request within 30 days of receiving the product.
- Please follow one of the following methods for processing:
- A. Return and Refund: If you decide to return the product, it's important to note that the return shipping costs will be borne by you. Make sure the product is in its original packaging and includes all original content, such as manuals and warranty cards. The product must be in a resalable condition. After the product is returned to our designated warehouse, we'll refund you based on the usability of the product.
- B. Refund without Return: In certain circumstances, we can negotiate alternative refund methods, but this must be resolved within 30 days of your application.
General Terms:
- We will initiate the refund process upon confirming the issue and accepting the returned product.
- Refunds will be processed through the original payment method you used.
- And you will receive the refund within 2-14 business days. The exact time depends on your card issuer.
- Returned products must be in their original condition; otherwise, we may refuse the refund or provide a partial refund.
We are committed to ensuring your satisfaction and rights. Based on the above refund policy, we will make every effort to address various issues and provide you with reasonable solutions. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please feel free to contact our customer service team.
Contact us at
Consumer Hotline: (800)-209-3199